Word Cloud at the Detroit Auto Show

Kinja'd!!! "Mosqvich" (mosqvich)
01/13/2015 at 20:46 • Filed to: Detroit Auto Show

Kinja'd!!!5 Kinja'd!!! 33

Sometimes a word cloud is a great way to communicate what the main idea of a paper, thesis, corporate strategy, and now an Auto Show is being conveyed.

I pasted and copied all 43,727 characters from most of the Jalopnik articles about the Detroit Auto Show up to this point. After sifting through 9,394 words and ignoring common English words, the word cloud you see above yielded an interesting analysis of the show so far.

Clearly Ford is the big winner in getting its name out there. Of course it's not hard to understand that Jalopnik editors were awash in Ford GT worship. It looks like Buick didn't do too poorly either. Heck, even Chinese manufacturer GAC gets an honorable place in the word cloud.

The editors have a lot to like and some love, but little to no hate. They have some fiber too. In this word cloud Musk is bigger than Lincoln. NSX means more to Jalopnik than BMW. Horsepower appears to be more important than torque (shocker).

What's your take on the editor's choice words?


Kinja'd!!! heliochrome85 > Mosqvich
01/13/2015 at 20:48


BMW didn't really have much to talk about at detroit. Plus, lets be serious, Acura has nothing but the NSX to talk about.

Kinja'd!!! Ash78, voting early and often > Mosqvich
01/13/2015 at 21:26


I like to read these aloud for full Tourette Effect.

Kinja'd!!! infinityedge > Mosqvich
01/13/2015 at 21:32


Where is 'whitespace'? Seems to be the marketing word du jure.

Kinja'd!!! ShouldHaveBoughtaFERD > Mosqvich
01/13/2015 at 21:33


I'm happy to see V8 is larger than V6 lol

Kinja'd!!! THUNDERL1PS > Mosqvich
01/13/2015 at 21:42


I want to see LIQUID BLUE as big as Ford's.

Kinja'd!!! DennyCraneDennyCraneDennyCrane > Mosqvich
01/13/2015 at 21:44


I see the articles about a "Ford-like Car" dominated the press.

Kinja'd!!! bbutle01 > Mosqvich
01/13/2015 at 21:54


I don't see Titan. I sure it's there but must be pretty small.

Kinja'd!!! bbutle01 > bbutle01
01/13/2015 at 21:55


nevermind. Far right middle.

Kinja'd!!! James > Mosqvich
01/13/2015 at 21:59


"Told" "Bit" "Two" "Since"


Kinja'd!!! Chatham Harrison dba SPANFELLER DELENDUS EST > Mosqvich
01/13/2015 at 22:06



Omnipresent in



Kinja'd!!! Huell Howitzer > Mosqvich
01/13/2015 at 22:21


All this indicates is the writer and editorial bias. Remember that.

Kinja'd!!! Remarkably-Average-Avalon > Mosqvich
01/13/2015 at 22:25


Sometimes a word cloud is a great way to communicate what the main idea of a paper, thesis, corporate strategy, and now an Auto Show is being conveyed.

No it's not. It's a silly gimmick for people who think it's cool to make their work look like a preschooler did it. Put a real thought together.

And nothing about that resembles a "main idea." It's a bunch of words.

Kinja'd!!! 472CID > Mosqvich
01/13/2015 at 22:31


What the fuck is a Trumpchi? *looks it up* umm ok.

Kinja'd!!! R W > 472CID
01/13/2015 at 22:55


Didn't see that top gear episode?

Kinja'd!!! saabstory | fixes bikes, breaks cars > Mosqvich
01/13/2015 at 22:56


Like, also, maybe the writers, like, might not be like good at like writing?

Kinja'd!!! TheStigsGermanCousin > Mosqvich
01/13/2015 at 23:07



I love the "Like"! what a neat car.

Kinja'd!!! TheStigsGermanCousin > Mosqvich
01/13/2015 at 23:09



I love the Chevy 4C also.

Kinja'd!!! Aleksey > Mosqvich
01/14/2015 at 03:51


Don't want to knock the hustle, but could you do one of these for all of the auto show press releases, so we can see the industry wide buzzwords?

Kinja'd!!! shootsandleaves > Mosqvich
01/14/2015 at 04:33



Shootsandleaves liked your post

Kinja'd!!! Tom > Mosqvich
01/14/2015 at 07:04


Woah, it's like looking at the worst part of the internet hivemind circa 2007.

Kinja'd!!! SwissTony > Mosqvich
01/14/2015 at 07:15


Absolutely useless article and word cloud.

"ignoring common English words"

Unless those words are: like, good, also, yes, well, seems etc.

The only useful observation is that Ford stole the show, at least in Jalopniks' eyes, but I don't think you needed a word cloud for that, you could simply look at the headlines.

Kinja'd!!! Aremmes > Mosqvich
01/14/2015 at 07:58


Pick three or four words from there and write them out as a doge. E.g.:

Very car. Much Ford. So like. Wow.

Kinja'd!!! CoolhandLuke > Mosqvich
01/14/2015 at 07:59


i cant even find NSX.....

Kinja'd!!! luvMeSome142 & some Lincoln! > Mosqvich
01/14/2015 at 09:25


Tell me more about how you made the word cloud. Are you using some software?

Kinja'd!!! T off the New > Mosqvich
01/14/2015 at 09:25



need. model. inside. love. important.

Kinja'd!!! quattrofl > Mosqvich
01/14/2015 at 10:23



people really truck

Kinja'd!!! TurtleFace > T off the New
01/14/2015 at 10:25


What you did there, I see it.

Kinja'd!!! Mosqvich > quattrofl
01/14/2015 at 11:25


They apparently truck "something" according to the cloud.

Kinja'd!!! Mosqvich > CoolhandLuke
01/14/2015 at 11:26


Far right. Just above Tesla and below really.

Kinja'd!!! Mosqvich > Aleksey
01/14/2015 at 11:28


Hmmm. Probably not, but it would be interesting to see the marketing speak prominently displayed!

Kinja'd!!! Mosqvich > TheStigsGermanCousin
01/14/2015 at 11:29


Who doesn't? ;-)

Kinja'd!!! RW53104 > Mosqvich
01/14/2015 at 18:17


Does this actually go alphabetical left->right? Is that a thing word clouds always do? If so, I've never noticed.

Kinja'd!!! Mosqvich > RW53104
01/14/2015 at 20:10


I set it up that way. Easy to do!